Saturday, August 27, 2011

The End! ...but another beginning!

Well, the event we have referred to as Jacksonpalooza has come to an end!

After 26 days, Courtney was released from UK Hospital. She will have some basic home health care for a little while, but in general she is doing marvelous! It will take some time to fully recover, but I'm sure she will be back to her old self in no time.

Jackson is doing amazing as well. He is growing like a weed, and has slept through the night the last two nights. He rarely cries, keeps himself content, but does love to be cuddled with as well. It is so hard to believe he will be four weeks old tomorrow.

In closing, I would just like to say thank you so much for all the hopes and prayers that have come our way over the last 27 days. We have had some incredible ups and downs, but it was faith that got us through it all.

This chapter in our lives is closing as we move toward the future as a family. I just hope Courtney and I are up to the challenge of keeping this little man in check as he progresses through life, and tells his own story. :)

Thank you all, and God bless!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Update : Friday, 8/12/2011 1200AM

A very brief, but meaningful updated...

Courtney is being discharged today! I am very excited!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Update : Wednesday, 8/23/2011 1030PM

I apologize for no updates least I don't remember doing one. I may have though. It was a crappy day for me, because I didn't get to see Court at all, and Jackson for only a few minutes.

However, this evening, we got to spend several hours together. It was a very nice time. I believe folks take family time for granted. It is important! Enjoy it, because you never know when it may be gone!

Court is still making progress, and the goal of Friday is fast approaching! Court's antibiotics ended today. As long as she continues without a fever and her white blood cell count stays at normal, the goal will be achieved.

Please keep the prayers coming just a little longer! I once heard a friend of mine say, "don't let the faith end, just before the miracle". Truer words were never said.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Update : Monday, 8/22/2011 215PM

Well, we are going into week 4 of this craziness, but the prognosis is positive!

Courtney was told again today that the goal is to have her home by this weekend. I can't tell you how exciting this is to me! Having her and Jackson under the same roof after the chaos of the last 21 days will be such a blessing! I just want his mommy to be able to hold him anytime she wants.

I can't say how thankful we are for all the hopes and prayers that have come our way!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Update : Saturday, 8/20/2011 1115AM

Well, first I apologize for no updates yesterday - but both patients are doing well.

Jackson you can't really consider a patient anymore - unless you consider all this TLC treatment! Nanna and Aunt Doris have been smothering him with love, and he eats it all up! He is also getting to spend several hours a day with his mommy!

Court looks better and better every day. It is exceptionally uplifting when you can see progress! The doctors worries of infection at the c-section area are still there, but not near as worrisome. They have her on antibiotics just in case, but all seems well.

Also, her and the doctors have agreed on a goal of going home by next weekend! This was the best news I have heard in a long time! Let's keep the hopes and prayers going, and have faith to see this through!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Update : Thursday, 8/18/2011 1045AM

Well, the roller coaster of theory and fact continues. The preliminary results of Court's biopsy returned, and they have ruled out HELLPS and AFLP now, and really have no idea what is wrong.

To be frank, I don't really care. When I look at my wife, I can see her coming back more and more each day. Whatever the doctors are doing for her is working. Yesterday she acted herself for the first time since all this began. She is back on Facebook now, itching to watch Bog Brother, and telling me what to do again. :) To me, that is all that matters.

Jackson is a powerhouse! The boy eats, sleeps, poops, pees and plays like a champion! I could not have asked for a better kid! He is practically sleeping through the night already. He rarely cries, unless Nanna and Aunt Doris are giving him a bath, or rubbing on his lotion!

I can't help but think six months from now Court and I will look back on this and wonder if it really happened, or if it was a dream. Of course, we will have our little miracle man to remind us! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Update : Tuesday, 8/16/2011 1015PM

We had the most amazing news this evening!

They have decided that Courtney is not a candidate for liver transplant, because she is finally improving on her own. I must say she looked great today, and her spirits were very high. She is one tough cookie!

She also took another walk today, the same length as the weekend walk, but she didn't have to stop and rest in the middle this time. It is nice to see her gain some strength back.

Her kidneys seem to be working much better now, both in volume and content. Hopefully it will help push some of that biliruben out of her system faster so she doesn't look like a used car salesman with a bad spray on tan! :)

I am very proud of her today!

Update : Tuesday, 8/16/2011 845AM

Just a real quick I attempt to return to work and continue classes, I'm finding it hard to make timely updates and keep everyone informed, so I have asked Kara and Andrea to help with updates.

Jackson is doing great. He had his first pediatricians appointment yesterday. She said he was great, and she didn't need to see him again until 2 months! That would scare me after the ordeal, but the NICU nurses said that Dr. Taylor is an amazing pediatrician. I did really like her.

Court had a liver biopsy done yesterday. It takes about 4 to 5 days to get the results back. The setting sucked, but it was nice to sit and chat with my wife while we waited for them to get ready. They also drew a full two liters of fluid from her stomach yesterday. I heard they thought they could have gotten two more. Insane!

Other than that, she still has five teams of doctors watching her daily. Her spirits seem high, and she is pretty with it most of the time. More family coming in today to see her, and that always cheers her up!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Update : Monday, 8/15/2011 930AM

Just a quick update...

Jackson had a great first weekend at home! So far he has maintained his NICU schedule on feeding and sleeping. He is such a good, good baby! I love every minute with him.

Courtney had a bit of a roller coaster weekend. Some of her numbers were wonky, but part of it was intentional as the doctors worked to get her kidneys and liver to regulate on their own.

They did start discussing a liver transplant this weekend. The transplant team visited her yesterday to start some pre-work in the event it was needed. I have to say that surgeons don't have near the bedside manner of her other doctors. :(

Also, let me say that Sergeant Reed was awesome this weekend - and I'm not talking about Kyle! Andrea had Courtney doing all the things she needed to be doing; aspirator, eating, exercises etc. Because of this, we were all shocked when Courtney was able to walk about 50 feet down the hall and back. That is awesome progress!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Update : Saturday, 8/13/2011 1100PM

Court had a busy day today. There were a ton of doctors that came to visit, and all of them pretty much agreed that being in the Labor and Delivery area was not the place to be. It took them awhile, but she was transferred to a regular medicine room - we dodged the CDU bullet. :)

It is too early to tell what tomorrow will be like, but we're hoping with the changes today that she will get back on the road to recovery and start getting well again. It is very hard to watch her like this. She is so strong willed, but her body just isn't cooperating - heartbreaking!

Update : Saturday, 8/13/2011 1100AM

Court is not doing well today. Several of her numbers have worsened through the night. The doctors are considering a move back to ICU this morning. Extra hopes and prayers would be appreciated today. I have a beautiful little boy here at the house that really needs his mommy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Update : Friday, 8/12/2011 945PM

Jackson came home today! I can't tell you what a relief it is to be half way to recovery now! He is doing great so far. I have changed more diapers in five hours then I did in two weeks when he was in the hospital!

Courtney had a rough day today. Some of her numbers are out of whack again, and the doctors are working to get them back on track. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Family is coming to visit with her, and her baby boy will be making a guest appearance!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Update : Thursday, 8/11/2011 845PM

Today has been another great day!

Court is looking so much better today. She is more mobile, and the recovery is just happening so fast now it seems. We still have a long road ahead of us, but it is very encouraging when you can see the results.

Jackson's evening nurse thought it would be a nice surprise to bring him down to see mommy! She was very excited to be able to see him in her own room. He was able to stay for about thirty minutes before his nurse had to get back to her other babies. Great times!

She also laid a great surprise on us. She said the rumor was that Mr. Jax would be going home tomorrow if his morning tests were good. This is so awesome, and exceptionally frightening at the same time! Thank God I am surrounded by family and friends that know way more about babies than I do. I'm not saying newspaper and a pack and play would be a good idea, but it was a thought. :)


So now that the update is finished, humor me. I had to stop and buy diapers for Jax because he has already grown out of the newborn diapers. That's my boy! However, I had to buy a 234 pack! Holy crap! I figure he will fit in these for about a month maybe. I calculate that as approximately 8 dirty diapers a day. Are you kidding me? Holy 5#$%!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update : Tuesday, 8/9/2011 945PM

Today, Jackson was the most alert that I have seen him. He stared me down for about twenty seconds while I was whispering to him. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but if I moved my head, he followed me. His eyes are still a deep sapphire blue. I hope they don't change. They are so beautiful! The doctor did tell me today that the only thing keeping Jax in the hospital right now is that his platelets are still a little low. He is very positive about everything though.

If you are interested more in what platelets actually are, this helped me:

Mommy didn't get to see Jax today. She was so wore out from her shower this morning. On the bright side though, she was able to get up and walk to the bathroom. That is huge progress! Due to major bruising, they have her laying on her left side now. I must say my ingenuity shined today as I concocted a Sanford and Son special that helped keep her on her side instead of flat. :) A suit case, two sheets and three pillows! MacGyver would be proud!

Tomorrow is another day closer to full recovery and discharge! Keep the prayers coming!

The Beginning...

Several folks are following the blog, but were inadvertently excluded from the original Facebook or text updates. I thought I would take a few minutes to rehash how this all started.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 518AM

Court was in a lot of physical pain, so we arrived at the St. Joe East Women's Center. Court was hooked up to the NTS monitors while the nurses reviewed her issues and spoke to her. The NTS monitor is to watch vital statistics of the baby and the mother. Initially, all vitals were good, and they started the process of getting an IV drip in her because she was severely dehydrated.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 705AM

After a 7AM shift change, the new nurse came by to introduce herself and to glance at the NTS results. She said, "It looks like we are going to be delivering a baby today". Court and I just looked at each other, because it was the first time it had been mentioned.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 713AM

The nurse left to go check on a few other things, and returned to view the NTS monitors again. She looked at us, and said we are going to be delivering your baby by C-section in about two minutes. It didn't happen that fast, but the speed and pace of the rest of the morning is seered into my mind forever.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 731AM

Within just a few minutes, resident doctors and nurses arrived to prep her for immediate surgery. It was obvious at this point that something was wrong, but no one was really talking. At 731AM Courtney was rolled into an operating room. I was left in a room next door. I didn't know at this time if I was just waiting or if they would be back or what - so I prayed. I prayed for the safety of my wife and then unborn child, and for the knowledge and wisdom of the doctors to do the right thing.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 734AM

At 734AM, a nurse came to get me and help me get a gown on. I remember her telling me that if our baby had shoulders as broad as mine, Court would appreciate a C-section at the end of the day. In hindsight, that was my last laugh for a several days. I entered the operating room approximately three minutes after she was taken in, and they had already completed the epidural and had her on her back, and the incision complete. Dr. Butler, our backup OB (Dr. Campbell was on vacation) arrived right around this time also.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 737AM

Jackson Roger Scott was brought into the world. Initially he had no heart beat and wasn't breathing on his own. With just a couple of thumps to his chest, his heart beat was restored and he began his fight. He was intubated pretty much right away, and for approximately thirty minutes, the nurses had to breath for him before he started on his own.

Sunday, 7/31/2011 815AM

I was originally taken with the nurses to the NICU while they worked on Jax, but when they learned the severity of it, they escorted me to a room where I was asked to sit and wait for Courtney - it was her recovery room. Around 815AM Courtney arrived. She was a little out of it, but other than that all seemed well. We still didn't really know why what had just occured had occurred - we just knew that it did.

After this, the times get a bit more loose, so I will just use approximates.


The doctor comes and gets me, and takes me to Jax bedside. He tells me that Jackson is very critical and his survival depends on the next few hours. He immediately starts talking about the cold blanket therapy, but tells me if he is a candidate that it has to be done at UK Children's Hospital. He is communicating with Dr. Grainger at UKCH already. Ultimately, they didn't know why, but Jackson's vitals had started dropping very rapidly around 7AM. After they had stabilized him at birth, they found his blood gases, lactic acids and liver enzymes and extremely high levels. In short, his body was producing massive amounts of chemical waste, but not processing it correctly. The cold blanket therapy was meant to slow his respiratory, blood flow and metabolism to help avoid any additional organ damage - especially to the brain.


The decision was made to transport Jackson to UKCH. Dr. Mundy, the Neonatal doctor at St Joe said Jackson was really lucky and would have survived a maximum of twelve more hours in the womb.


Jackson was prepared for transport, and finally got to meet his mother for about two minutes. During this whole time, Courtney was doing well, and seemed to be fine in general. The focus of everyone was on Jackson. Honestly, seeing my son laying in an incubator packed in with ice, I didn't know if I would ever get to see him alive again. Letting them take him was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.


Dr. Grainger at UKCH found me and let me know Jax was ready to be seen. We stopped in a consult room for a brief conversation. I can't say that he painted the best picture in the world, but he sure made me feel a whole lot better about things. He told me that Jax' levels were already coming down quickly, and that he had barely met the criteria for the cold blanket. They decided to do it as an added precaution more than anything. When he escorted me to Jax' side, I honestly thought he had taken me to the wrong child. A world of difference! He still had tubes and wires everywhere, but the only explanation I can give his presentation. He just looked better.

UKCH ran lab tests hourly throughout the rest of the day, and with each test he improved remarkably. By Tuesday, Jax was off the ventilator. By Thursday he was off all external oxygen. By Friday, he was off all IVs. He has been doing all the work himself since. He is my little Superman!

Monday, 8/1/2011 Afternoon

Court had started to show signs of worsening by now. The staff at St Joe didn't know what was wrong, and Dr Butler knew enough that he had to get her to UK as well. She was transferred around 4PM approximately.

I hadn't been able to see her very much since this whole event started, as I was staying with Jackson as much as possible. Thankfully, Court's mom had been by her side taking care of her little baby girl for me!

I was able to get to her around 6PM. When I had stopped to visit her that morning on my way to Jackson, she looked well and was just starting to have some pain from the epidural wearing off. about twelve hours later, I was smart enough to know something wasn't right. However, I knew that she was in the right hands at UK. I had seen the miracle help they had given Jackson.

The doctors had a few diagnosis in mind, but still were not totally sure. One of their thoughts was Acute Fatty Liver Pregnancy (AFLP). This turned out to be accurate.

Tuesday, 8/2/2011 Morning

When I got to the hospital, Court was in pretty high spirits considering they had ran tests on her all night long - literally. Court's mom was heading to Aunt Judy's to try and get some sleep, and she would relieve me later in the day. Court's dad and Andrea were on their way from Nashville to visit for the day. Court was excited to know they were coming to see her. At this time, they were just watching her lab results and doing what they could to make her comfortable.

They were pretty sure it was AFLP at this point. The problem with AFLP was there isn't a true cure. Delivery is supposed to put you on the path to healing. Jackson had been around for two days at this point, but her body hadn't recognized that she had given birth.

One of Courtney's nurses, Allyson, was measuring the girth of her stomach hourly. Later we found out it wasn't protocol. It was just something she had picked up about ten years prior and had always done. I believe it may be one of two things that saved her life. Around 12PM, Allyson realized that she had distended 2 inches in one hour. She called in the OB doctor, Dr. Duang - the best doctor I have ever met in my life. Dr. Duang had Courtney on an ultrasound of her stomach in literally seconds. What she found was pools of blood in her stomach.

Court's vitals were dropping fast at this point, and to me it was like Sunday morning all over again. I didn't know what was going on. Things were moving very fast. The one difference is I could see Court. It was obvious that she was in bad shape.

Dr. Duang had ICU called. Within minutes (the rapid response times are amazing at UK) the Director of ICU, his entire personal staff, and the several of the resident doctors were in her room to evaluate what was going on. They listened for about two minutes, and took charge. Within about ten minutes of them being contacted, Courtney was on her way to the Critical Decision Unit (CDU) to be stabilized, and then taken to trauma surgery to open her back up and see why she was bleeding internally. I was able to follow part of the way, but then I was escorted to a waiting room.

One thing I have learned in all of this is if the doctors are concerned then something is really, really wrong. I knew something serious was going on, and I had a horrible feeling about surgery. She just wasn't strong enough. I knew it with all my heart. I think the doctors did too though.

After a few minutes, a doctor came out to see me with a packet of papers. He said he had a list of things they may need to do for Courtney, but I needed to sign for them. He said he didn't really have much time to explain. He grabbed a nurse for witness, and I signed. The situation was grim, and I felt it was right to call in the family. Steve and Andrea were very close, and they stopped to get Elaine. She couldn't have barely been to Judy's when all this started. Kara also started the process of coming in from Georgia, and Tracy from Clarksville, TN. I also called for a priest at Christ the King, the cathedral in Lexington.

Within about twenty minutes the family arrived, and shortly after Fr. Richard arrived. Bless him, he had come the day prior for Jax! He is a true Godsend! This is where my confusion started. Fr. Richard and I went back to her first, and I was so befuddled. Courtney looked fine - she was obviously sick, but she was awake and lucid and her vitals were back to normal.

I just can't explain the feeling of relief I felt. It was all surreal to be honest. it just didn't make sense to me. This is around the time they started to identify the problems related to the AFLP. Ultimately, Court's blood was so thin it was seeping straight through all of her organs and pooling inside. They gave her five units of blood within an hour. We had survived a near tragedy!

Shortly, Court was transferred to the Medicine ICU and started on dialysis. By the time they got her settled in, she was quite drugged up, and extremely tired. We let her sleep for the night.

Wednesday, 8/3/2011 Morning

When I arrived at the hospital, Court had just taken a turn for the worse again. At this point, Court had received 13 units of blood since the prior morning. Her symptoms were very similar to Tuesday. The main difference was they knew what to do now to get her back faster. At the same time though, the second thing I credit for saving my wife's life occurred. Dr. Russell decided to give her Factor 7 - a blood coagulator. It was later described to us as "the bazooka of blood treatments". Of note, Courtney needed two doses of it - but it stopped the internal bleeding.

Since that second dosage, the internal bleeding has stopped. Her swelling has started to reduce. Her kidneys have started functioning on their own again. Her liver is starting to normalize. She is on the road to recovery.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Update : Monday, 8/8/2011 1030PM

Well, today was pretty tough. I tried to have a "normal" day of it, and it didn't work so well. I worked a half day at work - but I didn't really accomplish anything. I just focused on some research - human interaction was a bit too much to be honest.

When I got to the hospital around lunch time my day got a whole lot better. I love my wife more than I ever realized before this whole event. Just seeing her brings joy to me, especially when she is smiling.

She is still attempting to breastfeed. Her determination is amazing to say the least. I will say, Jackson seems to love those Q tips with colostrum on them an awful lot!

He was sleeping so sound every time I went to see him today. I didn't stay with him much today. I was missing my wife pretty bad. It was nice to get to spend so much time today with her. I just can't wait to get her and the baby home so our new life can start!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Update : Sunday, 8/7/2011 3PM

I visited with the dynamic duo of patients this morning.

Courtney was able to spend about four hours with Jax today. They let us go in a private nursing room. It was so nice to be able to spend some personal family time alone. Court tried breastfeeding again. He gets the function, we just got to get mommy functional! :) After trying for awhile we gave him his bottle, and he just sucks them down. It is always so funny to watch. I've tried telling him that no one is going to take it away, but he doesn't listen to me!

The big news of the day so far is Jackson had his MRI! The MRI was scheduled to see if there was any structural damage to the brain after all he had been through. There was not a single problem! The kid is tough as nails!

Update : Sunday, 8/7/2011 9AM

Yesterday was another great day of progress!


Court sat in her wheelchair most of the day, not wanting to get back in the bed because she feared she would fall asleep and not be able to see Jackson. :) Now that she has had a taste, she can't get enough! I may be bias, but he is pretty damn special!

I spoke with her this morning, and she said she was able to get out of bed and walk a bit. Watching her recovery is just miraculous! Her determination is evident now, but I think it was there even at her sickest!


Jackson had a pretty exciting day also. His platelets were still a little low, so they had to do another injection. The doctor told me not to worry too much - it was most likely part of the healing and recovery process. They did a full body ultrasound to make sure he didn't have any clotting, and he didn't. They said he had a few seeping veins, but that was normal and they would heal up.

We are currently waiting on an MRI to see if there is any structural brain damage from the whole ordeal. They don't really expect any, seeing how all of his other organs have done so well.

Court tried breastfeeding yesterday too. Little Jax latched right on first try, without any problems. So now we just have to see if mom can start producing milk after this whole ordeal. I believe she can - since she wants it so bad!


Today, Court is going to try and hang out with Jax as much as possible! I hope it works out, and she gets all the time that she can stand!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Update : Saturday, 8/6/2011 715AM

Court called me this morning while she was eating Fruit Loops! For those of you that don't know, Court loves breakfast cereal more than any other food, and she had not been able to eat it in months due to the gestational diabetes. She was like a kid in a candy store! :)

She has been downgraded to from Medicine ICU to CDU. Also, she is awaiting a regular room so she can get out of the "U"s altogether. She is doing so well! Miracles!


No Jackson updates, since he can't pick up the phone and call me yet. :P

Friday, August 5, 2011

Update : Friday, 8/5/2011 445PM

Well, today has been another awesome, positive day!

Jackson was taken off of all oxygen and other connections. His formula diet was increased dramatically. He will be up to 2 ounces by this evening's feeding! Man can he suck down a bottle!

He was able to get dressed for the first time today.

He is such a handsome little man. Did I ever mention how much like me he looks? :P


The most important event of the day occurred at 3PM! Jackson's mommy finally got to hold him! She was approved to leave the ICU. They are trying to find her a regular room now. In the meantime, her nurse decided she could be rolled up to the nursery. They looked great together!

Court is back on solid foods, and she finally got that Diet Coke she has been begging for! She looks amazing - especially after all she has been through this week!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Update : Thursday, 8/4/2011 11PM

Wow! What an amazing birthday!

I had no idea I would get so much good news in one day! Birthday wishes do come true!


Courtney was amazing today! She was approved for clear liquids, and she did so well they let her have more than originally intended. Once Jax was approved for long-chain fatty acids, Court tried to start pumping breast milk. Nothing yet, but if it is what she wants, I have learned it will happen. When I left her tonight, she was giving nurses orders on how to take her blood pressure. Quite comical!


Jackson had many firsts this afternoon. He had his first bottle with formula in it. He was sucking so hard on the bottle his cheeks were dented in like fish lips - it was hysterical! After he finished his bottle, his nurse swaddled him up for the first time and I got to hold him for about 45 minutes while Prince Jax held court over the nursery and his string of visitors. This evening he is getting his very first bath! Tomorrow morning when I go in he will get to wear his first set of clothes. This boy is just absolutely awesome! I don't know if I will be able to avoid spoiling him!


Finally, I will say that I know the updates have slowed down, but that is because they truly have - it isn't a lack of effort. At this point, we are just riding the wave and letting things normalize, and everyone heal.

God has provided me and my family so many blessings this week I can't count or name them all. I just hope we can raise Jackson to understand and be grateful for the life he has! I never realized how fragile it is until this week! When you finish reading this, go hug the people you love and tell them!

Update : Thursday, 8/4/2011 3PM

Sorry for the lack of updates this morning. My cell phone wasn't cooperating.


Courtney had a fantastic night last night! She was able to get some much needed sleep, and the obvious signs of progress are there. She was allowed some clear fluids today, which is a huge step for her. She was drinking a little bit of apple juice when I last saw her. As long as she does well with that, she gets chicken broth for dinner! She was so excited!


Jackson had a good night as well.

I was lucky this morning. I happened to walk into the nursery at the same time that the doctors were making rounds. His numbers are all coming down as expected - and he is looking phenomenal! They did not have to do a spinal tap (I am very thankful for this in particular!) At this point, he will get to start feeding on formula here real soon!


So far, I have had some incredible birthday news!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Update : Wednesday, 8/3/2011 11:00 PM

I will begin to update this blog regularly, instead of posting updates on Facebook and sending texts. My ham sized finger tips don't really appreciate the Blackberry keyboard!


Jackson came off of his cold blanket therapy at around 1PM today.

The cold blanket therapy was keeping his metabolism and blood flow at a slower pace so his chemical levels could stabilize. It was a 72 hour therapy. His body temp was kept around 89 degrees during this time. As of 9PM, he is at 98 degrees.

His breathing is a little rapid, so they did a chest x-ray to see if there is any fluid, or if it is just his body adapting to the warmer temperature.

He was very alert and awake this evening though. Having him stare me in the eyes and grip my finger tighter broke my heart, even if it was coincidence.

A CBC test came back unfavorable, so they gave him a dose of platelets to get it back up. They will do another CBC test in the AM to see if it has changed. They may also do a spinal tap to test for meningitis. He has had zero symptoms, but they want to be absolutely sure!

Another development today is that he may be required to have a special diet his whole life. It isn't too strenuous they say. He just won't be allowed any "long chain fatty acids". I have no idea what that is yet, but Google is my friend, and I will figure it out. Besides, any diet for him is good enough for me.

The next major milestone will be Sunday or Monday when they do his seven day MRI. It will tell if there was any permanent brain damage.


As many of you know, Court had a rough morning yesterday, and this morning. The nice thing is after the issues yesterday, they were able to get her stabilized much, much faster. She is still in the Medicine ICU, but seems upbeat and much more coherent this afternoon and evening. I was able to carry on a conversation with her for about an hour, and I didn't get chastised once! :P

I wish I had more to report on Court, but right now we are just playing the waiting game.